You have small quantity of biological sample but many signaling pathways to explore ? Our preamplification reagents are the perfect solution to optimize your qPCR results.
AnyGenes® team is proud to help you with our new range of specific cDNA preamplification SpeAmpn system to perform high-throughput data analysis with very small amounts of biological material.
It's now possible, from 5 ng of RNA, to analyse up to 368 genes or 4 signaling pathways from the large catalog of AnyGenes® SignArrays®. You can also customize your signaling pathways with genes of your interest.
The SpeAmpn system, by its easy-to-use reagents, allow you to do more with high performance and flexibility.
Specific cDNA preamplification SpeAmpn system contains:
- Perfect Master Mix containing a thermo-stable Taq DNA Polymerase as well as buffer and MgCl2 at concentrations optimised for the high performance of the enzyme and dNTPs required for cDNA preamplification.
- AmpPuren, containing a pool of enzymes allowing purification of the PCR products at the end of the preamplification step.
- Primnx (not included in the SpeAmpn kit): pool of specific primers of your favorite signaling pathways or custom genes. Please order separately.
NB : The Primnx pool has to correspond to the catalog reference of the SignArray® of your choice!
Very high correlation between preamplification with SpeAmpn kit and without preamplification (RNA from our large collection of human and mouse tissues).
The preamplification step with the SpeAmpn system does not alter the quantified expression level of each gene.
Reproducible results with 2 distinct experiments using preamplification SpeAmpn kit. (experiment repeated 20 times).
cDNA Pre-Amplification kit
Catalog Reference |
Number of Reactions |
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XXXX : name of the selected specific signaling pathway
example : AN1H for human angiogenesis 1
Catalog Reference |
Number of Reactions |
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