LncRNAs, long non-coding RNAs, are long RNA (more than 200 nucleotides) that do not encode for proteins. However it is well known now that, they have several functions involved in many cellular mechanism, including signaling pathways regulation, activation and repression of transcription, chromatin structure regulation, post transcriptomic regulation… which make them potential
Specific LncRNAs qPCR assays have been designed and validated at experimental level by AnyGenes® team, in order to propose you complete solutions for the analysis of individual LncRNA or panels of LncRNAs in 96- or 384-well qPCR array format.
All our LncRNAs qPCR assays are all-in-one solution, ready-to-use.
AnyGenes® uses his own updated and stringent LncRNA database to offer you assays always at the nearest of the last discoveries, supported by scientific publications with high impact factors.
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