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SpeAmpn system

You have small quantity of biological sample but many signaling pathways to explore?

AnyGenes® team is proud to help you with our new range of cDNA pre-amplification SpeAmpn system to perform high-throughput analysis with very small amounts of biological material. It’s now possible, from 5 to 50 ng of RNA, to analyse up to 368 factors or 4 signaling pathways of your choice!

A simple process adapted to your project :

A very high reliable and flexible solution to analyse until 4 signaling pathways from only 5ng of RNA.

Fully compatible with AnyGenes® SignArrays® system, the SpeAmpn system has been optimised and experimentally validated by our strict quality control policy in order to give you highly reliable and reproducible results.

Our key strengths :

  •  Pre-amplification specific to each signaling pathway or following the list of factors of your choice
  •  Highly reliable and reproducible results validated by our quality control procedure
  • perfect correlation between pre-amplified with our SpeAmpn reagents and non-amplified samples
  • Use small quantity of RNA
  • Usable on any type of samples(Frozen tissues, biopsies, FFPE samples, LCM samples, PBMC …)
  • Customizable and fully compatible with our SignArrays® system
  • Very attractive prices


                    To discover our associated products and reagents : 

SpeAmpn reagents have been optimised to give you reproducible qPCR results.